Sheathed woodtuft mushroom (kuehneromyces mutabilis) - Mycelium dowel
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Drill holes, insert dowels and seal with wax. The dowels are made of birch (8x30 mm) 100 dowels inoculates 4-6 stumps.
Sheathed woodtuft mushroom AKA Brown Stew Fungus and Two-toned Pholiota, so-called because the hygrophanous cap is a shiny cinnamon-orange when wet but it dries a much lighter tan colour is a delicious mushroom that grows abundantly on rooted stubs of deciduous trees such as birch and beech. It might be possible to successfully cultivate it on partially burried standing logs but we highly recommend inoculating rooted stubs.
Note that this species can be confused with other mushrooms including the toxic funeral bell -Galerina marginata so make sure to learn its characters well. Galerina marginata usually grows on conifer trees but can occur on decidous trees to so be careful to learn how to distinguish them from each other. Armillaria sp. can also be confused with the shethed woodtuft mushroom
To grow mushrooms on stumps using mycelium dowels, you need an 8mm drill, beeswax and wax applicator. If you have it at home, great! If not, you can find it in our webshop.
1. Choose fresh rooted stumps of deciduous trees without damage to the bark.
2. Drill 4 cm deep holes using an 8 mm drillbit in a zigzag pattern with 10 cm between holes.
3. Insert the mycelium dowels using a hammer.
4. Seal the holes with beeswax using a wax applicator or use soft grafting wax. If you use beeswax; melt it beforehand in a pan through a water bath and dip the wax applicator in the melted wax, which you then "dab" on the holes once or twice. (You can find these products in the shop under "accessories".)
5. Water abundantly with hose during drought.
Fresh rooted stumps of coarser hardwoods, especially beech and birch. Variable tassel cuttings grow naturally on rooted stumps. The mushroom can possibly be grown on buried standing logs. However, this has not been tested by us at Svamphuset. Feel free to experiment and let us know how it goes.
Orders placed before 11.00 a.m. are usually shipped the same day. We deliver with DHL and deliveries usually take 2-3 working days. Fungal mycelium is resistant but cannot withstand high temperatures. If the climate exceeds 25, we wait for cooler temperatures before sending the packages in order for your products to arrive to you in the best possible condition.